CACVOC Prayer Line
Wonderful Prayers every Morning and on Tuesday Night on this Prayer Line. May God be praised.
Brethren by the grace of God you will hold fast your salvation. Nobody is going to take your crown. God will not replace you.
“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown”. (Rev. 3:1)
Kindly join us in our daily broadcast by Listen Below or clicking on the RADIO link:
Click Here to go to PRAYER LINE SITE.
OR BY PHONE 302-202-1114
Code: 920942
Time: 5:45-6:15 am (EST)
Nigeria Time: 11:45 am -12:15 pm
London Time: 10:45-11:15 am (DAILY)
No one would have heard of David if king Saul had not lost his crown and position.
You will not lose your position and crown in Jesus name